063 762 5646
063 762 5646
063 762 5646
“Make smart decisions about your property purchase”
We provide you with the most relevant and useful inspection results possible, quickly and efficiently!
PPI Professional Property Inspectors (PTY) Ltd. complies with international standards of valuation reporting and offers a wide range of property advisory services. Our team is made up of chartered surveyors, professional valuers, and candidates registered with the South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession. Property support services include online access to the Deeds Registry and Surveyor General; comprehensive spatial and aerial imaging datasets (ArcGis);
We offer valuations for:
Residential property valuations
Corporate and specialized property portfolios
Commercial mortgage lending and investment valuations
Agricultural valuations
Vehicle, plant, and machinery valuations
Insurance valuations
State-owned fixed asset portfolio audits and valuations
Moveable assets
How We Can Add Value:
We aim to alleviate the stress felt by our clients when requiring fixed or moveable property valuations. Our practice has extensive knowledge in the surveying of buildings, both for the determination of market rental (in terms of SAPOA’s
a standard method of measurement), and for the determination of the replacement costs. We also provide surveying of buildings, surrounding works, and land for the purpose of determining the open market value, depreciated replacement value, and insurance value. These skills have been tested in the marketplace on an ongoing basis by way of our motivated reports.Our expertise extends beyond fixed assets to providing independent valuations to establish the full replacement value of a wide range of moveable assets and possessions of value, such as specialized processing and manufacturing machinery, motor vehicles, boats, planes, heavy-duty plant, and office equipment,
furniture, livestock and game, irrigation systems, combines, and vehicles.
We are able to adapt our report formats to accommodate specific requirements, and our services cover a wide spectrum of valuation purposes.
Market value for financial statement, disposal, or acquisition purposes
Alternative use valuations
Market rental determinations for new leases, renewals, or rental disputes
Estimated new replacement cost (ENRC) or depreciated replacement value (DRV)
for insurance purposes.
Forced sale values for liquidation purposes
Valuation of assets for security purposes (mortgage finance)
Releasing of guarantees
Valuations for rating purposes to appeal municipal valuations during
supplementary valuation rolls
Valuations for expropriation purposes
Valuation of servitudes
Land claims
Valuations required to determine values for mergers or takeovers
Valuations for the division of family or business property assets
ArbitrationEstate duty and capital gains tax
Contact us today!